ID: 64656
12 Linwood Barclay paperbacks in English, Linwoood
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12 Linwood Barclay paperbacks in English, Linwoood Barclay, genre: krimi og spænding
12 paperbacks in English. Author Linwood Barclay. Titels:
- No Safe House
- The Accident
- Trust Your Eyes
- Never Look Away
- Never Saw It Coming
- Fear the Worst
- A Tap on the Window
- No Time for Goodbye
- Too Close to Home
- Broken Promise
- Far From True
- The Twenty Three (the last 3 are a series)
Rigtig pæn stand - kun læst én gang.
Nypris per stk 7,99 £. (bought for 7.99£ per book).
Sælges helst samlet/Preferably sold together.