Andet, Bar02/Bar30
Andet, Bar02/Bar30
I alt 4 styks dybde/tryksensorer til salg.
Der er tale om 2 styks Bar02 og 2 styks Bar30 fra
Bar30 High-Resolution 30r0m Depth/Pressure Sensor:
This pressure sensor can measure up to 30 Bar (300m depth) with a depth resolution of 2mm. It is waterproof and ready to install, making it an ideal choice for ROVs, AUVs, remote sensors, and underwater instrumentation. Compatible with ArduSub on the BlueROV2 and with Arduino and Raspberry Pi devices.
Bar02 Ultra High Resolution 10m Depth/Pressure Sensor:
This pressure sensor can measure up to 2 bar absolute pressure (10m depth) with a depth resolution of 0.16mm and an in-air altitude resolution of 13cm. It is waterproof and ready to install.
Stand: Perfekt, aldrig brugt.
Ny pris: 2200kr.
Pris: Byd.