Arzu and Azizu, Finn Ove Hvidberg-Hansen, emne: religion
Arzu and Azizu, Finn Ove Hvidberg-Hansen, emne: religion
Titel: Arsû and Azîzû : a study of the West Semitic "Dioscuri" and the gods of dawn and dusk.
ISBN: 978-87-7304-311-0
Forfatter: Finn Ove Hvidberg-Hansen
Udgiver: Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab
År: 2007
Sider: 117
Format: Hæftet
Fragt: sendes mod porto.
Betalingsformer: MobilePay , kontanter (DKK), bankoverførsel
Sprog: English
Tilstand: Fremstår som ny
"Among the mythological and cultic texts from the fourteenth to the twelfth centuries BC that were found in the 1930s at Ras Shamra-Ugarit in north Syria, the text KTU 1.23 describes the birth of the two sons of god “Dawn and Dusk”, with the west Semitic names Shaljar and Shalim, also referred to as “the gracious and beautiful gods”. After the publication of the text it quickly became obvious that Shahar and Shalim - as repre senting dawn and evening glow and thus corresponding to Phosphorus and Hesperus - are comparable with the Dioscuri Castor and Pollux. Shahar and Shalim in their capacity as the dawn and evening glow are closely associated with their role as the Morning- and Evening Star, which according to Semitic mythology both paves the way for the rise of the sun and accompanies its entry into the nocturnal shadow world. With epi- graphical and iconographical material from Palmyra as the point of departure, ‘Azizü and ’Arzu/Mun‘im corresponding to Shaliar and Shalim and known in Edessa as Azizos and Monimos, are traced further to the Nabataean-north Arabian and south Arabian areas. The mytholog ical data of this material are confronted, first en détail with the far older Ugaritic text, next with reminiscences of later Old Testament and apoca lyptic literature."