Magtstat og godsdrift, E. Ladewig Petersen, emne:
Magtstat og godsdrift, E. Ladewig Petersen, emne: historie og samfund
Titel: Magtstat og godsdrift . Det danske ressourcesystem 1630-1730.
ISBN: 87-7876-156-5
Forfatter: E. Ladewig Petersen
Udgiver: Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab; commission agent: C.A. Reitzel
År: 2002
Sider: 349
Format: Paperback
Fragt: sendes mod porto.
Betalingsformer: MobilePay, kontanter (DKK), bankoverførsel
Sprog: Dansk
Tilstand: Fremstår som ny
"The Manorial Running System and State Power. The Danish System of Resources 1630-1730.
This work treats of the structural and economic aspects of the running of manors in the seventeenth and eithteenth centuries. It focuses on the running of manors owned by the nobility, but manors belonging to insti tutions and the Crown are also dealt with. In that connection it is further examined what the ownership structure was like after the new group of upper middle-class landowners arose with the introduction of the abso lute monarchy. A central theme is the political, social, and economic re actions of the nobility to the increasing public burdens in connection with the breakthrough of the tax-imposing State, and it is discussed now this influenced the production and marketing conditions of the manors. It is examined how the landed proprietors exploited their rights, includ ing the right to derive as much profit from the manor as possible, and how they endeavoured to protect their manors and peasants from grow ing State demands for resources. The book discusses the competition be tween the Crown and the landed proprietors for the copyholders’surplus and the proprietors’ attempt to get compensation through and intensi fied running of their estates and through increased villeinage. Further, the copyhold farms are subjected to a detailed analysis. It is examined how the copyhold farms were affected by the breakthrough of the tax-im posing State, by wars, and by increased villeinage, and light is thrown on the economy of the copyholds."