Rich Boy, Sharon Pomerantz, genre: roman
Rich Boy, Sharon Pomerantz, genre: roman
Indb. hardback, 517 s.
'Robert Vishniak is the favored son of Oxford Circle, a working-class Jewish neighborhood in 1970s Philadelphia. Handsome, charming, and clever, he employs his considerable gifts to move ever higher on his social ladder.
In his decades-spanning journey to self-invention, Robert glides from hard-scrabble beginnings to the elite universities of New England. With growing ambition, he ensconces himself among scions of unimagined wealth and influence, building a future that he believes will eclipse his humble past. Ultimately, he finds himself in the highest circles of Manhattan society at the heart of the heady Reagan boom.
But as so often is the case, it takes but a single, fleeting occurence to change a life. And in Robert's case, it threatens to undermine his achievements and unravel his carefully constructed identity.'
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